Bedroom Hoist in Wallasey

Walking Sticks in Upton

Bedroom Hoist in Wallasey

bedroom hoist in WallaseyA bedroom hoist in Wallasey can be a temporary aid or permanent fixture. With our 30 years of experience we can advise you on the best bedroom hoist for your individual situation. Were a family member has difficulty getting out of bed and going to the bathroom there are a range of electric hoists that will allow them a large measure of independence. This is done by fitting tracks in the ceiling which lead from the bed to the bathroom but can also be fitted to go to other rooms in the home. A hand held remote connected to the motor will safely carry the patient to the required destination. Many people are unable to move around unaided and most adults need two people to safely get in and out of bed. A wheelchair can convey them further. Anyone in a wheelchair who cannot move from the bed to the chair will hugely benefit from having a hoist installed.

When you need help getting in and out of your bed in Wallasey, a bedroom hoist can provide the safe aid you need. Family members or carers will often need help to move a disabled person and to allow them dignity and safety a bedroom hoist is a must. The hoist uses slings which are comfortable and secure and will lift the patient slowly and easily out of the bed and into a wheelchair or to the bathroom. If the person has some mobility it may enable them to fasten themselves into the sling and move themselves around their home giving them more normality in their life and making them less dependent on outside help. This can do wonders for the spirit of the previously dependent person.

Using a bedroom hoist in Wallasey can change lives for the better. Contact Easi-Way Mobility for the various options in bedroom hoists. Our TGA Mobility products are some of the best available anywhere in the country. Our friendly and helpful staff can offer advice on the best units to install making your life easier.